Gen 1

Chapter 1.9

Hello! We’re back today with a new chapter of THE WHIMMS! And we still haven’t had an heir poll.

But we’ll be changing that at the end of this chapter!

Also, look at Joker and Queen taking the twin thing to the next level

Hey, Ace, it’s still cold outside. Maybe get out of the pool?

Pixel is enjoying her two favorite things: the radio and the fireplace

Oh no! Pixel is sick and leaving us rainbow poops!

PIXEL! We’ve just started the chapter! Why are you being the main character?!

Joker is a popular guy. Half the family has whims to do some sort of interaction with him

Demi got a promotion!

Pixel’s back!

No more running away!

Demi’s a geek now! After practicing her programming for the whole afternoon, I’m not surprised

Since when does Radon call for charity donations?


Uh oh. Trouble students

And then there’s Ace lol

Decided to take the family out for some fun!

Mainly because Joker wants to earn 50 simoleons in tips.

Demi has a whim to hack something.

So we’re hacking the Lothario Trust Fund. Don doesn’t need all that money

Nothing like eating a grilled cheese in the bathroom

While her brothers all have B’s and C’s, Queen is the only kid in the house with an A!

Oh my goodness. Ace would

Oh… I’ve just realized that Ace and Joker have the same shirt on, just in different colors lol


Jack’s whims always are having me meet new sims. So he’s got a really full relationship panel lol

Vampire tried to break in! But the jokes on him because some of us are still awake lol

Ace is part of the Garden Gnomes now.

Awe! That’s a cute whim!

HOW!? I mean REALLY! The empty plate situation in this game is ridiculous sometimes lol

Joker wants to earn more tips!

So off to the city we went!

Queen must have a lot of goodies on her phone lol she keeps showing her bros stuff on her phone

KING! Now is not the time!

Awe! Look at Pixel playing in the rain!

It’s cake day for Tate!

And welcome to the golden years, Tate!

EH?! Excuse me?!

Well, I guess this is what happens when I get distracted lol

King joins his sister in the A team when he brings home an A from school!


Homework session time!

We’re still working on getting Joker to a B lol

He’s the only C student at this point

Hey Lucas Munch! That is QUITE the look you have here

Tate rolled a whim to go swimming. Enjoy the freezing cold water

End of the rotation is here! Demi is at work, some of the kids are finishing their homework, and Tate is doing pushups. Probably not smart now that he’s old…

Now the moment we’ve all been waiting for: HEIR POLL! With Ace’s birthday coming up in the next chapter, we can finally pick an heir! So if you would kindly go HERE to vote in our heir poll, it would be much appreciated!

And I’ll see you next time!
