Gen 1

Chapter 1.9

Hello! We’re back today with a new chapter of THE WHIMMS! And we still haven’t had an heir poll.

But we’ll be changing that at the end of this chapter!

Also, look at Joker and Queen taking the twin thing to the next level

Hey, Ace, it’s still cold outside. Maybe get out of the pool?

Pixel is enjoying her two favorite things: the radio and the fireplace

Oh no! Pixel is sick and leaving us rainbow poops!

PIXEL! We’ve just started the chapter! Why are you being the main character?!

Joker is a popular guy. Half the family has whims to do some sort of interaction with him

Demi got a promotion!

Pixel’s back!

No more running away!

Demi’s a geek now! After practicing her programming for the whole afternoon, I’m not surprised

Since when does Radon call for charity donations?


Uh oh. Trouble students

And then there’s Ace lol

Decided to take the family out for some fun!

Mainly because Joker wants to earn 50 simoleons in tips.

Demi has a whim to hack something.

So we’re hacking the Lothario Trust Fund. Don doesn’t need all that money

Nothing like eating a grilled cheese in the bathroom

While her brothers all have B’s and C’s, Queen is the only kid in the house with an A!

Oh my goodness. Ace would

Oh… I’ve just realized that Ace and Joker have the same shirt on, just in different colors lol


Jack’s whims always are having me meet new sims. So he’s got a really full relationship panel lol

Vampire tried to break in! But the jokes on him because some of us are still awake lol

Ace is part of the Garden Gnomes now.

Awe! That’s a cute whim!

HOW!? I mean REALLY! The empty plate situation in this game is ridiculous sometimes lol

Joker wants to earn more tips!

So off to the city we went!

Queen must have a lot of goodies on her phone lol she keeps showing her bros stuff on her phone

KING! Now is not the time!

Awe! Look at Pixel playing in the rain!

It’s cake day for Tate!

And welcome to the golden years, Tate!

EH?! Excuse me?!

Well, I guess this is what happens when I get distracted lol

King joins his sister in the A team when he brings home an A from school!


Homework session time!

We’re still working on getting Joker to a B lol

He’s the only C student at this point

Hey Lucas Munch! That is QUITE the look you have here

Tate rolled a whim to go swimming. Enjoy the freezing cold water

End of the rotation is here! Demi is at work, some of the kids are finishing their homework, and Tate is doing pushups. Probably not smart now that he’s old…

Now the moment we’ve all been waiting for: HEIR POLL! With Ace’s birthday coming up in the next chapter, we can finally pick an heir! So if you would kindly go HERE to vote in our heir poll, it would be much appreciated!

And I’ll see you next time!


Gen 1

Chapter 1.8

Hello hello! Welcome back to the Whimms! Tate is hanging out with a gnome playing chess while Demi is grilling in the snow. In her athletic clothes. Weirdo

Meanwhile, almost all of our kids are on computers chatting in chatrooms.

It’s almost like they don’t have a whole houseful of other sims in the house to talk to

And then there’s Joker. Who is more than happy to just dance by himself in front of the fire

I love this kid

And let’s not forget Pixel who’s rushing off to join Joker at the radio

Demi and Tate had a moment together and now they have a close dynamic and Demi likes deep thoughts.

That’s so cute!

Tate has a money want! This is GREAT!

The other want is fulfill an aspiration milestone and our current milestone is to have earned 200,000. And the only way to do that is to make money! So this is looking good for our need to earn money for bills!

Demiiiiiiii whyyyyyy!? We don’t have room in the house for a baby!

If you couldn’t tell, our grill gets a LOT of use…

They also have started using the cupcake machine more lately.

Which is funny to me since I always forget that we even have it lol

BIRTHDAY! Woohoo! Joker and Queen get their cakes!

Let us just appreciate the fit that EA decided to gift Joker with

*basks in the glory*

But here they are after their makeovers!

Hey look! Demi is becoming cheerful!


And now Tate is a music lover!

Look at us, becoming cultured!

Ace had a whim to repair and object, and luckily for us, our stove was broke! So we were able to get that fixed!

Demi rolled a whim to get a promotion! But since she’s currently at the top of her part time career, we can’t get a promotion.

So the only way to fulfill this whim? Get a new job! Woohoo!

So Demi has now entered the tech guru career!

It may have been an $11 an hour pay cut, but the opportunity to move up will make up for that soon

…the grill is the most active part of the family at the moment

Oh crap…

This is why Demi needed a new job.

Nooooooo, Bess! I’m trying to pay my bills! That 1 simoleon is going to go a long way!

Being without power is not going well for the family…

Thankfully, Tate has the “fulfill an aspiration milestone” whim locked in so we’re hitting the easel HARD to make those simoleons!

Now with the power back on, the family can go back to ignoring each other.

And we had to clean out our fridge of stuff that spoiled with the loss of power.

Jack… You know we never lost our water privileges… You can shower…

Cozy fireplace and smooth tunes are two of Pixel’s favorite things

wait, what?!


…she looks the same

Ace is the first of all of my sims to ever earn the fear of homework lol

Thanks Ace!

Oh look! Someone started building a snow pal!

No idea who lol


We had to post an alert immediately, obviously, and Tate is so worked up about it.

Poor guy

Woohoo! Demi got a promotion! And she now makes what she used to before her career change!

Jack is enjoying winter lol

He’s the one responsible for all the snow pals around, I’m assuming

We’re sabotaging our rival! We will prevail!


You came back!! And with a gift! yaaayyy!!

… don’t leave me again

Woo! Victory!

Demi! Gideon is a CHILD! You can’t become enemies with child!

You’re terrible!

Wow. The kids have been busy this week!

Woo! Jokesters!

And still no one is surprised lol

And another pair, just for good measure

Look at the whole family spending New Year’s Eve together!

Well, except King. Who is, in fact, sleeping.

4am Sunday rolls around the house is sound asleep.

Except for Joker who is having a late night potty break

Well, that brings us to the end of this chapter. We still have over a week left before we have a birthday, so no heir poll yet for the Whimms.

So I guess join us next time to see where our whims take us!


Gen 1

Chapter 1.7

Oh no! Demi got hit with the removal of CC! Quick! TO CAS!

It’s not the same vibes, but we have hair again.

Ummm, excuse me!? Where were you in the middle of the night!?

Also, I can’t believe that all of my other Achievement Challenges are heading into heir polls and this household doesn’t even have a TEEN yet!

Hurry up and have a birthday, Ace!

Why does it look like Tate is about to be mugged by a gang of children?

This is the most accurate thing I’ve every encountered.

Of COURSE Joker likes silly behavior!

Queen wants to stay outside for 8 hours, so we’re off on another adventure!

So off to the beach we went!

We’re going to have a lot of jokesters in this family, aren’t we? lol

King and Joker both decided that naps were more important than anything else.

I can relate to that

See? What did I say about the jokesters?

Tate went for a jog while we were out. One of his wants was to fulfill an aspiraitonal goal. And the only one to do was push the limits while energized

And all the jogging earned Tate the active trait!

Back home, Ace decided that it was fun to eat his shish kebabs outside in his swim trunks.

It’s fall.

It’s cold outside.

Demi whyyyyyyy?! There’s no reason why!

Also, Hi Kyle!

Go for it, Clara!

DEMI! That is not how you hold that plate.

Tate: Wow! Demi’s amazing!

nooooo, Demi’s glitched.

Big difference

Now Tate is glitched!

Tate: I’m not glitched!

Okay, explain the clay

Tate: I’m taking the clay for a run!

… riiiiiiight

Well that’s fun.

Enjoy your new trait, Demi! lol

Hey look! It’s Ace’s birthday!


And here he is after his makeover!

aaaaaaaaaaaand now he likes listening to complaints.

Good for you, Ace

Pixel fan service since I’ve just realized that I haven’t shown her yet this chapter

Um, so we can’t afford our bills this week.

I even sold everything in our inventories. We’re still like $300 short lol

I guess we’ll have to wait until Demi gets back from work

Just kidding! I found a painting on the easel to sell! and we were JUST able to afford our bills.

We now have $47 to our name.

I should maybe focus on getting some money making wants

Oh look! The King and Queen are jokesters!

And shortly after that, King and Ace became jokesters!

Ace rolled a want to level up his handiness skill and it just so happened that we had a broken toilet!

It was fate!

King just casually becoming jokesters with the whole family lol

I love all the townies calling me asking me this stuff and me just saying yes all the time knowing that it’ll never happen lol

Demi made herself a cupcake even though Tate was making food. He obviously wasn’t making it fast enough for her lol


WOO! Demi rolled a “make money” want! GO GO GO GO GO!

…We’re broke…


2 money wants in a ROW! Thank you, Demi!!

King has entered the bear phase!

I love this phase so much!

Noooooooooooooo, I need this money! Bess why are you like this?!

My vow to always say yes is biting me in the ass right now.

At least it’s only $1.

Probably because we can’t afford $1000 and she’s gotta get our money somehow lol

Hey, we can volunteer!

Let’s go, kids!

Demi now has fame from us doing lots of painting to finish that want of hers.

Dunno how I feel about that yet

Boom! Demi coming in clutch AGAIN with the money wants!

It’s weird because Tate also has the fabulously wealthy aspiration, but he’s not rolling these wants.

That seems like a really great place to do your homework, Ace

Look at these two “doing their homework” together lol

I’ve thought this for a while, but all the teens and children walking around in scouts uniforms is really annoying.


Look at Demi painting all on her own without prompting! I love to see it!

Demi, what happened to your hair?!

Why is your hot weather wear the only outfit to NOT have hair?! lol how does that even happen?

*fixes in CAS*

Omg! Tate had a want to be disliked by this guy (we already were, btw) and then he started GLOWING. We found an alien!


Okay, Johnnie. That was uncalled for.

Sure, we may have been mean to you, but the trash can? Really?

Sir, you just knocked over our trashcan! And now you’re asking for DATING ADVICE!?

……Sure, why not! Go for it

That is a completed Pop art painting.

We spent a lot of money on white paint for a white canvas.

Would you look at that, more jokesters!

Cake day for the older twins! King first!

And then Jack!

Here’s King after his makeover!

He’s very upset about a puddle that I told him to stop mopping so that I could get a “good” pic.

And here’s Jack after his makeover!

Jack is just chilling and dancing. Dude is so laid back

That is the face of a kitty who PLOTTING something.

Demi, put the cat down SLOWLY

And back away


Thank goodness we have a full house lol

I’m sorry, but we have so many more days as teens, that we’re not going to prom right now.

Sorry kiddos

Sure! I love a good story too, Joker!

Someone left a random bicycle down the road from us.

Too bad we can’t steal it

No Caleb. Go away

Um. Whut?

I may have forgotten that Demi has fame now lol

Joker maxed the creativity skill! Whoooooaaaaa!

Oooohh!!! This is my first ever workplace rival!


Now the question is, do we befriend her? Or do we not? Hmmm

4am Sunday rolls around most of the family is sleeping. Demi is just finishing up a painting (we still need money lol) and Pixel is just doing Pixel things.

Let me know what you think we should do about our workplace rival!

See ya next time!


Gen 1

Chapter 1.6

*note: I played this before the infant update/growing together

Hello hello! We’re back with the Whimms! And Tate doesn’t look happy about it…

Ohhhh nooooo! Not Pixel! Quick! get a wellness treat!

We’ve also got quite a bit of spoiled food. Not pictured: A table full of spoiled dishes.

OH! And I can’t wait to get rid of this display once Joker and Queen age up to children

Queen is the first one to get stuck behind the piano in this chapter…

Maybe I need to push it back to prevent this?

But it’s really funny lol

I’ve gotta change Tate’s aspiration lol all he wants to do is cook.

We have TONS of food in the house. I want to do other stuffs

I started to hear Star Wars music and wondered where that was coming from. Apparently someone turned on Batuu music on the radio lol

It’s cake day for the younger twins!

First up is Joker!

Next was Queen!

Here’s Joker after his makeover.

I’m thinking he’s mad because Pixel is on the table stealing food lol

And here’s Queen after her makeover!

I finally have an excuse to use that super cute hair!

Also… those are our only birthdays this week… And it’s only Monday… This is going to be a loooooong week lol

Tate got a pronotion! And just in time too. Because we couldn’t afford our bills… But we can now!

With all the toddlers gone, we can now get rid of this! Woohoo! No more spoiled food sitting in our hall!

I love Joker by the way lol definitely one of my favorites in this house

It started when he got stuck behind the piano the first time lol

Queen wanted to catch a fish and Joker just wanted to be outside, so we’re off on an adventure since there’s no where to fish in our neighborhood lol

Not me taking the kids out at 9pm… Yikes…

Queen immediately went fishing and Ace, King, and Joker hopped right on the playground stuff. Jack on the other hand did his homework

What a good little student!

How did I not know that kids could look for discarded toys in the frog logs?

JOKER! How did you manage to get stuck behind there AGAIN!? I moved it back to prevent this!

Oh look! Tate started painting all on his own! Yay!

Kids are at school, so it’s pool day for Tate and Demi!

Tate wants to level up his fitness skill, soooooo he’s doing laps

Uh sure, guy that I don’t know.

AWE! Cute! Let’s do it!

Ummmm excuse me? How dare you prank call a KID

Get lost, Creep

While I like seeing this want in the whims challenge, we don’t have room for more babies!

The kids were STUGGLING during the volunteering… Not pictured: Ace also losing some responsibility…

Not a lot of Pixel in this chapter, so here’s a photo of Pixel playing in our trash

Yes random lady, try for that baby!

Tate was swimming in the thunderstorm (great idea, I know lol) and SHOCKINGLY he got struck by lightning.

Awe look at the kiddos just hanging out together! They’re all besties!

4am comes around and the whole house is asleep (besides Pixel). And Tate hasn’t yet cleaned up from being stuck by lightning.

Join us next time when we might ACTUALLY get some teenagers!


Gen 1

Chapter 1.5

Hello! And welcome back to my Whims challenge! I guess we’ll have to change that to want challenge now? Since the rebranded whims as wants? But I like Whimacy better than Wantacy…. So we’ll keep calling it the Whimacy lol

Also, it’ll be interesting to see how things have changed.

I already know from my other challenges that the try for baby want is much more prevalent lol

Not that we need it anymore in this generation. We’re a full house!

Let us not forget that we have a kitty!

HI PIXEL!!!! I’ve missed you!

Ewwwww. Hopefully someone cleans this on their own soon… I don’t like looking at gross counters.

lololololololololol THIS LOOK! That look says “I don’t believe that you don’t have any ice cream. You’re holding out on me”

Jack’s so cute lol

Oh Demi… You’re stuck…

You got off the chair the wrong way!

Ewwwww. Gross.

Why is this chapter so gross already?! First the counter, now cat vomit?

I just want cozy sim time!

And now we Pixel digging though our trash.

Why are we so dirty today!?

Can’t wait until these kids age up to toddlers. Both Tate and Demi have ZERO energy since the twins keep waking them up.

And it’s been like this since Ace was born. I guess this is what happens when you have your kids one right after another without a break in-between lol

Demi keeps rolling musical wants and we don’t have anything musical. Not because we can’t afford it, but because we have no room.

With 5 kids in this house, we don’t have any room for anything…


So we downloaded this house off the gallery made by lilsimsie and moved to Newcrest.

It has 6 bedrooms, so I think there’s plenty of space for the whole fam!

And there’s plenty of cat stuff already in the house for Pixel!

Ah yes. The constant sleeping in the hot tub. How I have missed thee

Hey look! It’s cake time!

And here is Ace after his makeover!

Yay! We finally have a child sim!

This family is much further behind then the rest of them lol

Also, he somehow ended up with the Happy toddler trait! So that’s fun!

baby sparkles means that it’s time for the youngest twins to age up! Woohoo! We can sleep at night again!

Here’s Joker after his makeover

And here’s Queen after her makeover! How cute are both of them!

I love Queen’s yellow look

Look at Ace just walk away from his mom like that…


He’s watching youuuuuu


Tate rolled the “get a promotion” want so we get free reign of the kitchen while we work on cooking skills! Woohoo!

aaaaaaaaaaaand just like that we have a dirty counter…


Well, this is interesting.

Go for it man! Shoot your shot!

Don’t think anything is going to happen with this though with my current SP settings..

Oh boy. Poor Joker is having a MOMENT

Poor kid is having it rough…

Good to know the messes aren’t just counter and floor exclusive. The toddlers are a mess too

Pixel loooooove the radio! They’re always over there listening to it and it’s super adorable!

Joker living up to his name and getting himself stuck behind the piano

Why is this so funny to me that it’s Joker?

Oh good for you Gavin!

Demi and Queen are broke. Demi is apparently playing the piano right now. Like I can hear her playing it.

But she’s also holding Queen while doing the worlds best squat.


Are you stalking us now, Gavin? Geez, I help you get ONE DATE and now you can’t leave me alone!

Delivering the mail a little late there, aren’t ya? Did you get stuck in traffic?

Oh no! This is sad news for my NSB challenge! Aadhya was the witch we kept seeing whenever we went to work!

Also, the Yamachan saga continues. The ongoing drama of Yamachan and all their partners across this entire save is FANTASTIC!

I should start a whole Yamachan page on the main Achievement challenge site so we can keep track of all the partners Yamachan has been with

Ummm, sure, you can be friends with Josie.

Cake time for the older twins! King goes first

And then it was Jack’s turn!

Jack walked alllllllllll the way outside and around the house just to spin. King spun in the dinning room. Ace spun in the dinning room.


Anyway, here’s King after his makeover

And Jack after his makeover

Woo! We’re down to 2 toddlers!

Tate rolled the whim to eat an experimental food! And we have just the restaurant for that!

So off to the restaurant we went!

Where our hostess is glowing blue (I know it’s hard to see it with this lighting, but it’s there.) We have an alien in the house!

Boys night out! How fun is that!

Look at all those cool dishes! Super jealous!

Huh. Ok! Your wish is my command! Let’s go find Johnny!

So we invited Johnny to the park!

Time for some mischief!


Mission accomplished!

Okay, not long after our fight, we got this call…

Talk about timing!

It was Amira Legend! That little prankster! Thanks Creativecress for the use of your mischievous sim!

Looks like most of the Legend family decided to come hang out with us today! Josie and Helium, Neon, Daichi and Radon, and Argon. The only two we’re missing are Xenon and Krypton!

I love seeing my other challenge sims in my challenges! This is so fun!

Oh no! Pixel is sick!

I could just buy wellness treats, I know. But I’ve not actually had a pet “go to the vet” in a loooooooong time

Poor possessed kitty

Don’t worry, Pixel. You can’t even see the cone! It’s barely there!

Got home and I discovered that all the boys were crying over the broken dollhouses.

That they probably broke in the first place as toddlers lol

While the toddlers couldn’t care less about the dollhouses! Just busy playing with our Blarffys lol

GLITCH!!!!!! Sims aren’t supposed to have emotions while sleeping! *alarm sounds*

Oh noooooo. I didn’t realize this house came with a coffee maker! ugh, SIMSIE! WHY??


Woo! Midnight dance party!!!

Yay! Pixel is completely CURED!

4am Sunday rolls around and the entire family is sleeping. EVEN THE CAT!

Well that’s the end of this adventure lol Join us again next time for birthdays and where ever the whims take us!


Gen 1

Chapter 1.4

Well hello there reader! Welcome back to my Whimacy! We start things off with Tate and Demi pondering their plumbobs. And in outfits that I didn’t give them.

This is really weird that the game keeps doing that lol

Also, let us not forget that we have an actual heir for this generation! Hi Ace!



Demi had a bunch of cat related whims, so we had to buy a lot of stuff lol


We’re going to have an heir poll!

The one time I’m hoping for twins. We’re taking no chances. On Ley Line and the Fertile traits!


oH GOod. He’s back.

Had a minor freak out there…

Now. Onto the important things!


Hopefully 2!

Or 3. I wouldn’t be mad at triplets.

There is an achievement after all… lol


I need this kitty IRL

Just look at her go! She went on a run around the neighborhood.

I thought she was running away so I followed her the whole way.


Look at that face. She just got scolded for scratching the bed. And she just looks so innocent…

Sorry for the cat spam, but I CAN’T HELP IT

Pixel is NOT fan of the toilet (lol) the exact opposite of my IRL dog…

Poor Tate didn’t make it to the bed in time.

Okay well, he was in bed, but got back out so that he could pass out by the door…


Oh! Ace aged up!



Here’s his pretty cool room! I loved putting that together!

It’s literally only been 24 sim hours since I started playing and so much has already happened…

Seriously, he makes me so happy lol


I forgot we had a pool lol

Also, it’s the middle of winter…

Well that’s really unnecessary…

Tate rolled the promotion whim! Which we locked in because it gave us a reason to cook.

Because we have skills to level up!

Also a toddler who needs food lol

Demi is such a character lol She grabbed this food and then decided to walk outside and eat in on our front patio

Demi gives zero fucks

And then she decided that an even BETTER place to eat would be pool side.

I like to think that she’s just keeping an eye on Ace.

But I doubt it lol

Oh no. I think we have a “Juicer”

I didn’t tell him to make that

Hey look! Pixel learned something!


Demi’s face is hilarious lol

It’s twins! Everyone welcome King and Jack to the family!

(Can anyone guess our naming theme? lol)

Ace is not too happy about his new brothers.

Poor kiddo


But who am I to say no to a whim?

I mean, y’all need heir options. RIGHT?!

Uh sure. Knock yourself out random guy that I don’t know how we know

To be honest, I’m surprised that this is the first time that I’ve caught someone napping in our hot tub lol

Edit: Just kidding. I’ve caught Tate before… I just forgot…

Maybe story time in the rain is a bad idea? Just a thought

Oh yikes. Morning sickness. She didn’t have that with her other two pregnancies.

So I missed this notification lol it popped up about 2 IRL hours ago and somehow missed it. But that means that Demi maxed her part time job! lol

Demi is obsessed with back floating lol

Hi Gemma! What are you doing around these parts?

Autonomous painting! Woohoo!

King and Jack aged up! I’m glad that Jack has black hair! Give the heirs a little variety lol

So that’s King on top and Jack on the bottom

With three toddlers, that means we needed more toddler beds. So here we are!

Pixel looks like she’s ready to run away from all the toddler mayhem lol

Now that his brothers are older, Ace still doesn’t want anything to do with them


I was wondering why I kept finding trash all over our house lol

Hiya Judith! Walking around in a stolen costume huh?

It’s baby time! Woohoo!

And it’s TWINS again! Everyone welcome our final boy, Joker and our only girl, Queen!

Thank goodness we had a girl. No idea what I would have named 5th boy lol

Demi wanted to level up her fitness skill and her aspiration needs to work out at a gym

So we ended up at a gym!

I had hoped that Tate would roll some fitness whim too, but he did not. And he needed to go to work, so he left too.

Got home and Demi kept rolling whims for work out equipment lol

And then she wanted to go jogging. So here we are lol

Jack just got done not letting his own mother hug him. So I’m glad that these two actually hug each other lol

Promotion for Tate!! Woohoo!

Just a quick workout before bed. No biggie
That’s a wall.
Dirty toddler won’t go to bed
At least King is sleeping
As is Jack
The twins are happy for the moment
And Pixel is digging for trash treasure

4am Sunday rolls around finally after a SUPER eventful week in the Whimm family. I am ready for a break from all the craziness!

Join us next time for even more Whim craziness!

Gen 1

Chapter 1.3

Hello! And welcome back to my whimacy! Where Tate is still spouseless. But I have a plan to change that!

So he currently has this whim.

And getting married is considered romantic right? Yeah. So I’m going to count it.

No judging.

It’s my save dammit!

So we invited Demi over right away to do that

For future reference, even though the wedding options aren’t technically under the romance dialogs, the wedding did count as “do something romantic” for the whims.

Write that down!

Important info for later generations!


Well, that didn’t happen.

The current count is 10!

Damn you achievement system!

Harry invited us to the flea market.

I was going to say yes, but Tate and Demi are currently volunteering. So that’s a nope at the moment.

Sorry Harry.

Oh Demi… That sucks lol

I got around to giving her a makeover too. So here she is in her new look! No more apron for her everyday!


What. THE FUCK. are you wearing?

Who allowed that!?

Nothing like having a whim to play in the leaves!

So Demi is part of the Major Chords and would you look at that. Hondo is part of that club. Didn’t think that was possible?

Hey! Nice to see you in regular clothes now!

Oh my… That’s not natural…

There have been no “try for baby” whims. But there are plenty of woohoo whims! And since I have risky woohoo on, there’s a very small chance that Demi gets pregnant from all the woohooing they’ve been doing.

Tate got a promotion! Woohoo!

Thank da LORDT! The ONE TIME risky woohoo fails me is in this challenge.

So here we go! An OFFICIAL try for baby!

…This had better work lol



We’re finally making progress in this challenge lol

Demi had a whim to buy a hot tub.

And so begins the annoying habit of sleeping in there instead of the bed.


The kitchen and living room got a smallish update.

The green was driving me crazy lol

Sure! C’mon over, Josie!

Uh, Josie? You know it’s rude to come over to someone’s house and hijack their computer right?

Josie: You know it’s rude of the host to sleep while they have guests over right?

Well, yeah, that’s true. But you invited yourself over!

Josie: Details.

She did help us build the lego stuff!

And just ignore Demi in the background kicking our trashcan.

Look at all the achievement challengers hanging out together!

Niko helped himself to our grill to make, what looks like, an herbal remedy lol

Seems like a random thing to make.

Especially when you don’t have the herbalism skill

Fun fact: He started that on the grill and then finished it on our oven.

Where’s the option to tell him he’s being inappropriate?!

At least it’s a useful one?

Nothing like a little morning sickness at 4am

Tate is such a master mixologist that he can mix drinks in an INVISIBLE CUP!

Mind = Blown

This random guy (who is apparently a friend of Tate…) came bearing gifts.


He gave us a MySim. How cute!

Although, I could really use these kinds of gifts in my Epic challenge and MySims Legacy… Soooo

Demi came into the family with a part time job. Which I forgot to mention.

But look! She got a promotion!

The gnomes have come calling! It’s Harvestfest!

I gave Tate the painting aspiration. So now he wants to learn painting.

I love it!

I mean, he’s terrible, but hey. It’s the thought that counts

And it’s finally baby time! After what seems like forever!

Seriously, this week seems like it’s taking now that we have another sim in the household lol

I wasn’t sure if we could go to the hospital or tell her to have the baby, so we waited it out.

I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t be a problem because I don’t think those kinds of whims exist lol

It’s a boy! Everyone meet Ace Whimms!

Demi is a cat lover, so I gave her the animal aspiration. She wanted to meet a cat so we became a cat hangout for the day.

Then she rolled this whim! YUS!

So we adopted one right away!

Everyone meet, Pixel! Our newest addition!

I was definitely NOT aware that you could make your pets drinks.

Just goes to show, no matter how long you’ve played this game, there’s always something to learn

It’s Tate’s birthday!

Still just as handsome!

Tate got a promotion! Woohoo!

8am Sunday finally comes around it looks like Demi is sleeping on the toilet, Tate is taking care of Ace, and Pixel is sleeping.

It’s a pretty quiet morning! Join us next time for the random things our whims will make us do!

Whim Count:

Tate: 164

Demi: 49

Total: 213

Gen 1

Chapter 1.2

Hello! And welcome back to my Whimacy! Last time we managed to get engaged to Demi Richards. Maybe this time we’ll get married, move in together, and have a baby! Who knows! It’s all up to Tate and his whims!

And we start this one off with a whim to kiss someone!

So we headed over to Demi’s house in search of that kiss!

We got that kiss and the whole time, Tate was thinking about rings…

One thing lead to another and we ended up on a date. I decided to hold the date back at my house since traveling SUCKS

It was a very boring date. Nothing happened

The next day they ended up on another date and it did NOT go well. Demi went right to the grills and Tate went to hang out with Niko and Clara from my Name Game challenge.


You’re SUPPOSED to get married and have babies!

Demi asked us on a date!

To a bar. And obviously we said yes. We’re not gonna look this gift horse in the mouth lol

Oh wonderful. This place has the bag NAP…

Oh gawd, It’s my first ever dumpster woohoo!

Tate rolled a whim to get a promotion, so we had to buy a bar so that we could learn the mixology skill

Then we got a whim to grab a drink at a bar.


So we went out to do that…

Wednesday night came around and we had yet another date with Demi.

I feel like this relationship is going no where anymore…

Demi asked us on another date. I WISH WE COULD JUST GET MARRIED!

Well, we ended up at the ancient ruins… So that’s weird.

Literally the only thing they did was have a water balloon fight…

So it wasn’t a surprise when this happened. This chapter is not good for our relationship… ugh

At least we got a promotion…

Well, we finally ended up back at the restaurant in hopes that we’ll have the same luck as the last time we were there.

Spoiler: It didn’t work

We did finally bring her home at 4:30am and we had a whim for a kiss.

Also, fun fact: Demi lives across from Gert from my Board Game challenge lol

Well… 8am Sunday came back around and it finds us still single. This was a really boring chapter and I’m really sorry. But hopefully next time will be better…


Gen 1

Chapter 1.1

Hello! Here we are at another challenge! This is my attempt at a Whimacy. This is the one I’m most nervous about since I’m at the mercy of the whims of my sims. So who knows how long this legacy will actually last lol

Here’s our founder, Tate Whimms!

We moved into a house in Oasis Springs and we’re ready to start the challenge!

With Tate happy we rolled to meet someone new. So we’re off to find someone special!

So we went and met Demi Richards! The chosen one lol

*here’s hoping that he likes her and rolls whims for her…*

He rolled to be be friends with another sim, so we headed out to start that.

And then the whim went away. Rude.

Now this I can do! Let’s do it!

On the date, we got rolled this!

And one of the other whims is to kiss someone!

So we completed the kiss one

And then a little while later, we became girlfriend/boyfriend

Back home we rolled the “get a job” whim, so yay!

Also, his flirty whim is to woohoo 😉

So he’s officially joined the Culinary Career

Then we invited Demi over because we have a woohoo whim to satisfy! 😉

And satisfy we did lol

We rolled whims to buy a bee box and play table. So here we are lol

And then we had to bond with the Bees!

Demi invited us out! So we of course said yes!

So we were off to a bar! (Classy)

Also, HI GERT!

Josie’s here too! and she just invited herself into our conversation lol

Tate got a promotion!

Oh. How nice.

We had a whim to buy a pool. So here we are.

Ooooh! The mysterious Unknown Caller!

BAHAHAHAHAHA! This is awesome!

bahahaha! I wish I could see who it was though! But that’s hilarious!

Tate got another promotion!

Demi invited us on another date!

She’s sad though. 😦

YAS! Finally rolled the proposal whim!

But I’m going to wait until she’s not sad anymore lol

We went home and finally decided it was time to pop the question!

She said yes! Yay!!!

Achievement Unlocked! Not even surprised that we unlocked this one in this challenge lol

Demi’s over again today and I love her hot weather dress! It’s cute!

8am Sunday comes around and Tate is busy sleeping. So we’re not doing much of anything at the moment.

Join us next time when we may actually get married.

Or not. Who knows where Tate’s whims will lead us!